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I’ve been watching a lot of The Apprentice lately. Always been a fan. Henry, my partner, can’t stand it and walks out of the room, but I explain patiently to him: look, I’m running my own business, it’s good for me to see how other people do it, I might learn something.

I’m beginning to wonder, though. Claude, Sir Alan’s ever present henchman, adopts a sneer as his default facial expression while watching the dwindling numbers of contestants. Karren, the other sidekick, seems to prefer a snarl.

I’m all for decision-makers making decisions — in the deadline stuccoed world of news that I inhabit half the week, it’s essential. But in my experience, snarling and sneering as you make them isn’t often the best approach.

Part of the fun of my Newsroom Bootcamp for Business is playing with deadlines — five people, six minutes, plenty to get through, someone’s got to make that decision. But if Karren and Claude were around the table, I’m not sure they’d have much to contribute.

Five Newsroom Secrets - to help you feel more confident recording warm video messages!

My free to download, video illustrated guide that will give you the confidence to record more video messages — whether for your website, your staff or your clients.    Because video builds trust — and in the age of the smartphone … ‘we’re all broadcasters now!’

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If you find these forms a bit annoying, just give me a call on 07850 188620 or 01273 606246 — I always like to chat about how I might be able to help.  Or just send an email to john@johnyoungmedia.co.uk — letting me know what you have in mind, and we can take it from there.  If you do like the forms, don’t forget to put something in each box marked with a *.

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