07850 188620 01273 606246

Lots of people say they can help you ‘broadcast’ better in this virtual world. 

I base my claim on 31 years broadcasting on the BBC. 

Lots of people say they can help you communicate better with your staff and clients.

I base my claim on 31 years communicating to audiences of BBC News.

Lots of people say they can help you with ‘storytelling’ in your business.

I base my claim on 31 years telling people’s stories as a BBC News journalist.

Questions and Answers

If there is something not on the list, please do just get in touch here.

How long are your workshops?

They’re easily adaptable, so the length of the workshop is entirely up to you.

30 or 45 minutes online, or a half day split into three 50 minute slots, works well — with proper screen breaks.

Face to face, I can offer an hour, a half day or a full day — but am always happy to tweak to fit in with your needs.

My 60-minute Get It Done by Lunchtime sessions are a popular option because they can be run at any time – over breakfast, in a lunch hour, between work and the pub, online or face-to-face.  Just pick an hour during the day that suits you.

Where do the workshops take place?

Of course, we can do them easily enough on my preferred platform, Zoom — but I can also offer them on Teams.

If you’re ready to return to face-to-face events, let me rig up my TV Newsroom in your meeting space.  All I need are standard conference room facilities.

I usually come to you, although I’m happy to suggest venues if your staff fancy a day away from the office.

How many staff can you accommodate?

My workshops can be run with large or small numbers.

Groups of 10, 15, 20 and 25 work particularly well face to face or online, because I create news desk teams, or Breakout Rooms, of five – but I can easily accommodate larger numbers.

If you have fewer than 10 staff, that can work well too — everyone gets more time to share their ideas and contribute, with more debate, personal challenges and one-to-one interaction.

Some of our staff lack confidence. Will your workshops be too full-on?

The sessions are challenging, but never intimidating.

It’s my job to make all delegates feel comfortable within the first five minutes, especially those attending my Confidence Workshop.

As a TV journalist, I’m familiar with interviewees being nervous before we hit the ‘record’ button.  I use a number of techniques to calm their nerves — and in my workshops, there’s always plenty of laughter in the first 15 minutes to break the ice.

Can I attend your workshops on my own?

Yes.   From time to time I run my Holding the Zoom Room 45 minute workshop via Eventbrite.

It’s the perfect way to experience the buzz of a newsroom while learning communication and decision-making skills.

Just get in touch to ask when my next one is planned.

We have an event coming up. Can you host it, online and face to face?

Yes of course.

As a news broadcaster, I’m used to handling the tech, and the challenges that come with that.  So that’s handy if you’re running an online event.

If you’re inviting delegates face to face, I can help too — I’ve hosted many events, from P&O cruise ships to conferences and Awards Ceremonies.  As a news journalist, I’m always aware what’s going on behind the scenes — and how to keep the show on the road when things might not be going entirely according to plan!

If your budget’s tight and you’d like a host who can also deliver a keynote, my Secret Life of a News Bulletin will have your audience eon the edge of their seats … perfect for the After Lunch slot!

Do you run media training, presentation skills training or one-to-one coaching?

Yes.  Since October 2020, when I left the BBC, I have been able to add these to my list of services, as they no longer pose a conflict of interest for me.

So if you want to prepare yourself or your staff for a gruelling TV interview or simply get advice on how to write a Press Release that is likely to be noticed, give me a call.

You may simply want to know how to come across better in a video for your clients or staff.  My ‘storytelling’ masterclass will certainly unlock a secret or two for you there.

After all, I’ve been asking those gruelling questions, reading those complex press releases, and engaging people with stories for the past 31 years.

I don’t do theory or flow charts

I’m not a management consultant with qualifications in business theory.

I’m a BBC journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in the fast-moving world of breaking news — one of them spent training journalists at the BBC Academy.  I only left the BBC in October 2020, so all my material and insights are bang up to date.

Since 2013, I’ve been running workshops which show how skills gained in a busy newsroom can improve communication, confidence and productivity in business.

My workshops involve:

  • activity, challenges, video and surprises.
  • writing in clear English and delivering to tight deadlines.
  • debate and reflection, agile decision-making, new ways of thinking.

Here’s what they DON’T involve:

  • flow diagrams.
  • jargon.
  • waffle.

My workshops are different

They’re a lot of fun – but they also deliver serious business benefits.  After more than 30 years on lunchtime news bulletins, I help your teams get more stuff done … by lunchtime.

What’s more, I can provide hard evidence that it all works.  Within twenty-four hours, you’ll receive a written report compiled from post-course feedback.  It means that you can assess whether the course has met its objectives, and see how newly-learned skills will be directly transferable to delegates’ professional lives.

Find out more about communications workshops, confidence training and problem-solving training.

Get in touch on 07850 188620 or 01273 606246 and we can chat about what you need.   Or if you prefer to write…

Email here

By the way…

In 2011, I took a year’s sabbatical from the BBC to work as a volunteer English language teacher in Laos and in the small village of Kabubbu in Uganda.  It reminded me that life can be short, and ideas should be acted upon.

I donate 10% of my fee from larger corporate clients to work with young people who struggle at school with employability skills, and Eastbourne’s Quicken Trust, near my home, to support their remarkable work in Uganda.

Wondering what my clients make of it?

Find out here …


What My Clients Say ...

Ten Testimonials … in two-and-a-bit minutes …

Making a real difference at a staff Awayday in Ashford

Ten months on: how my training stuck for easyJet’s senior managers

Five Newsroom Secrets - to help you feel more confident recording warm video messages!

My free to download, video illustrated guide that will give you the confidence to record more video messages — whether for your website, your staff or your clients.    Because video builds trust — and in the age of the smartphone … ‘we’re all broadcasters now!’

Subscribe to Download

Get in Touch

If you find these forms a bit annoying, just give me a call on 07850 188620 or 01273 606246 — I always like to chat about how I might be able to help.  Or just send an email to john@johnyoungmedia.co.uk — letting me know what you have in mind, and we can take it from there.  If you do like the forms, don’t forget to put something in each box marked with a *.

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