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Scroll down a bit to find some quick-read Newsroom Secrets – I guess it’s a blog, but I find the word “blog” really boring, and my Newsroom Secrets aren’t.  (If you’d like to receive them every few weeks, do pop your email address in the box immediately below.  You can always unsubscribe at any time, but I’m sure you know that.)

And if you prefer short-snappy videos with business productivity tips based on how we do things in newsrooms, do subscribe to my YouTube Channel by clicking the little YouTube button just here:

Five things you need to know about podcast or radio interviews (but were perhaps afraid to ask …)

Podcasts and radio interviews are a great way to drum up business. And they may be easier than you...

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That Portillo Moment & Blair’s Victory Speech: how to fox a journalist and win over an audience.

The BBC's Election '97 programme reveals a lot about crisis communications. Election '24 may do...

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Leadership, Lecterns and Bad Luck – three things a leader can learn from Rishi Sunak’s soggy speech

He was unlucky with the rain. But he could have handled it a lot better.

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Broadcaster’s Tip: How to End Your Meetings On Time (and shut up the wafflers …) 27 February 2024


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How to handle a media storm: three approaches revealed by the Post Office Scandal, and how you can use them.

Burying your head in the sand isn't a good look in 2024

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The Four Ps of Storytelling for Business – Part Two!

What drew you to this article? I bet it was the picture.

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The Four Ps of Storytelling for Business — Part One!

The secret of storytelling for business lies in plain sight.

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If you want to know how powerful ‘storytelling’ in business can be – watch this two minute video to the very end

Real life case-studies will always be more powerful than words and statistics

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Trust, Eurovision and the Peril of Believing Your Own Publicity

Being trusted in business is crucial. Don’t let your own publicity cloud the truth.

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Writing a dreary Press Release? Here’s how to make it interesting.

Adding irrelevant details may seem counter-intuitive. But it works.

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Five Newsroom Secrets - to help you feel more confident recording warm video messages!

My free to download, video illustrated guide that will give you the confidence to record more video messages — whether for your website, your staff or your clients.    Because video builds trust — and in the age of the smartphone … ‘we’re all broadcasters now!’

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If you find these forms a bit annoying, just give me a call on 07850 188620 or 01273 606246 — I always like to chat about how I might be able to help.  Or just send an email to john@johnyoungmedia.co.uk — letting me know what you have in mind, and we can take it from there.  If you do like the forms, don’t forget to put something in each box marked with a *.

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