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CASESTUDY: Helping an international charity prepare its speakers for a Virtual Festival – September 2022 14 September 2022

An international UK based charity was planning an ambitious week long virtual Festival for its internal audiences. I was invited to run a 50 minute virtual session two weeks earlier, to help speakers and hosts preparing their presentations. By revealing how TV news bulletins are constructed, I left participants with 'takeaways' that would help them open their event with impact -- manage a Q&A with chatty speakers -- and ensure that their event ended on time. Responding to my Feedback survey, all 12 said they would recommend it -- scoring it 8.9/10 for effectiveness. One participant wrote in the Chat afterwards: "Even on a train with dodgy internet, this has been fantastic. I've learned so much and am feeling really excited for the festival now and more confident to host my session."

Five Newsroom Secrets - to help you feel more confident recording warm video messages!

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