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CASE STUDY: great feedback after my training on how to deliver a webinar – May 2022 6 May 2022

A senior clinician at an NHS Trust in Kent was wrestling with an online presentation. I worked with him to focus on stories rather than slides, images rather than data, and a conversational tone rather than a monotone delivery. Four days later he emailed me this: "I thought I would let you know that Friday's talk went really well, in that I enjoyed it, I had lots of appropriate interaction, and got great feedback afterwards, so couldn't have asked for more, really! Thanks again for your time and input! I have sat through a virtual conference today, and have to say, it was a masterclass on what not to do, so I will be pushing people towards you!"
Senior NHS Clinician, Kent

Five Newsroom Secrets - to help you feel more confident recording warm video messages!

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